Wednesday, July 14, 2010

And there they go.
All so full of -pride-.
Seeking to satisfy, vulgarly,
Their need for acceptance.
They don't even approve themselves,
They want others to do it instead.
They can't stand to be -different-
To deviate from the norm.
They need to feel the same,
For that is sure and safe.
And that -safety- provides them with satisfaction.

"I don't follow trends, I create my own",
LOL sorry to burst your bubble, hun.
But you are, indeed, following a trend.
Don't you know?
Now it's "cool" to be "uncool".

I remember that, not so long ago,
Trends where just about fashion, clothing.
Now, it seems, they are about attitudes, ways of living.
Men, are we going downhill or what?

I don't understand that stupid need to feel part of this,
Or feel part of that.
We are not the words we use,
We are not the career or job we have,
We are not our hobbies,
We are not the chicken or meat we choose to eat.
They form part of our daily lives, true.
But what we are is what's deep down our skin.
Our passions, our desires.
Those things we cannot choose to feel or like.
Everything that's underneath our flesh,
What people cannot see.

We are what we feel.
We are what we think.
We are how we act,
When no one is around.
We are what we are.
We are not going to be able to change that.
There is no point in trying.
You may lie, pretend, and try as hard as you can.
But you will be anything else but you.
No matter how much you hate it.
You can't change yourself, your true self anyway.
So you might as well deal with it.
Accept who you are,
Embrace yourself.

Wear what you feel like fucking wearing.
Do what you feel like fucking doing.
Say what you think.
Express how you feel.
Be careless and ignorant about trends.
Don't let anything interfere or pollute your interests.
Never hold your self back because of what others might think.
Act as if your life was a play and the only audience was yourself.
Then, and only then, come and talk to me about being unique.
Until then I won't call you an individual.
I will refer to all of you, as what you are.
"They" Because its existence depends on the existence of others that also form the group.
There is no I, you, he or she, in "they".
You don't form part of a group,
You are a group.
You don't exist without the others.
You are nothing more than just group.
A group with a collective half-functioning brain.