Monday, July 27, 2009

We may explore what life can give,
We can search for answers,
We can search for truths,
But the only real truth is,
Life's secret are always hidden.
No matter how hard we try to find them,
The answers we are able to get are limited.
In fact, no matter how high we aimed,
He will always be tied up by everything.
Specially by every day cares.
We, the humans, are not gods.
Books, machines, senses, wont reveal the essence of life.
Whatever we use to try and explain or understand can't go further than our thoughts.
And our thoughts will be limited by ours words, our culture, stuff around us.
Therefor, it is safe to say that as humans we will never be able to achieve
more than what is limited by our human nature.
And what it might be most important,
The highest man can achieve will always be limited by the limits he has created for himself.