Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And right now I feel like I'm stuck,
between good and evil,
between my mind and my heart,
between who I am and who I know I should be...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Anhelando un futuro distante
donde las ganas se extiendan
y las circunstancias cambien

mirando hacia el vacio
la esperanza perdida
el telefono suena
una reaccion tardia
distanciamiento mental
mucho silencio
casi nada de paz
la tormenta se escucha
por dentro
sin fin de sonidos atrocez
cierro los ojos
pienso en ti, mi escape
pero ya no sonrio...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Forfeited osculation,
the lack of a substance
that has never been present.
The longing of a dream,
the weakness of heart,
the strength of mind.